Sunday, July 02, 2006

until then, my heart will go on singing..

just got back from a play directed by karen's brother, wilson. rather cunning plot, but unsatisfactory ending. cicada is such a lovely name, dont you think? haha.

i mentioned in the previous post about wanting to sing and dance in a musical, karen told me i shld join stageit in smu. THEN it occured to me - i've never acted before. what a horrid revelation! not in school, not in church, never ever! :D hahaha i think it's something i've always naturally shunned. singing and dancing is alright, but acting? i dont recall any roles i've played. i always seem to find myself directing the skits/programme whether in assembly item or 13th sabbath prog, or end up doing props/costumes or sing/dance or narrate. but i've never acted. wow hahahaha.

i wont say that i've never liked acting, cos i've never tried. but somehow musicals have more appeal cos of the singing factor, plus it's much more dramatic. i think if i ever tried acting i'd be guilty of "over-acting".

haha, what a bunch of random thoughts.

smu just sent their freshmen prog indemnity form and i was looking at the list of ccas and i wanna try so many! (they told us to tick at least two). strangely all my ticks were at the arts and cultural category. trying to find some sport i'd be vaguely interested in doing but sadly there is none (wth, muay thai?!). where is yoga and pilates? hahahaha.

hmm there's a club called the travel club. wonder whats that hahaha.

ladidums :D i have lots more to write, perhaps tomorrow, bye!


Blogger Kumrad said...

theres a muay thai cca?!?!? how cool is that

5:43 PM  

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